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Expert opinion from Guinness Global Investors features in a variety of media.
Expert opinion from Guinness Global Investors features in a variety of media.
Our fund managers conduct quarterly webcasts where they discuss recent changes made to the portfolios, and take a look at positioning in the current market environment.
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Expert opinion from Guinness Global Investors features in a variety of media.
Trustnet - Perfect global equity fund pairings to ride the market highs and save from the lows
Fund selectors pair up all-guns-blazing global equity funds with more defensive strategies.
Consumer Staples: Sector & Stocks
The Consumer Staples sector features stocks we all know as users of their products - but in this…
ETF Stream - ‘If someone wants to copy our moves, they are welcome to’
Guinness AM will mirror its $843m sustainable energy fund
Rankia Pro - Guinness partners with HANetf to manage sustainable energy ETF
Guinness’ first European domiciled active ETF will be listed on seven exchanges and will mirror the…
ETF Express - Guinness to manage active Sustainable Energy ETF: CLMA
Guinness Global Investors (Guinness) has announced that it has taken on the management of its first…
Investment Week - Guinness and HANetf partner to manage sustainable energy ETF
Guinness Global Investors and HANetf have joined forces to run Guinness’ first European domiciled…
Portfolio Adviser - Guinness partners with HANetf to manage active sustainable energy ETF
ETF to mirror Guinness Sustainable Energy fund
Citywire - Guinness GI launches first active ETF in European market
New fund will mirror the firm’s existing sustainable energy mutual fund overseen by Citywire-rated…
Trustnet - The laggard sector poised for a turnaround
With valuations at attractive levels and margins expected to increase, this could be a buying…